
Showing posts from December, 2016

Pound It!

 Since my last post my life has been crazy. Okay so first I started to send friendly emails to my friend Miah  (she has cancer). It was fun and I think that she actually liked my emails but the she just didn't want to talk to me a t all so that is why i am writing this. O kay so next thing. First we went to my Maw-Maw Betty's house and stayed there for one day and went to one of my dad's friends funeral and that night on the 3 hour long car trip to our home. O n the way home though we went to 2 of my friends homes and gave them presents  the first one we had to go through his really rich people neighborhood and I actually came on such a surprising they th ought that I had c ame to visit them from Colorado . Okay t ha t 's all for now I have to go