Girls Camp

Okay so yesterday I went to this camp that my church does for the young women of our stake. The awesome party was that we all played games and sang songs until the other girls showed up. (When we showed up the girls were doing D.E.A.R which stands for drop everything and read ) Here are some of the games we played first we played Follow the Leader then after that we played Poison Frog. It was so much fun! After we played the games we sang a couple of songs. Then one of the leaders went up and spoke about the young women virtues and how to use them in every day life. Then we went on a short hike to a place and learned stuff like we learned about first aid and they told us the story about the good samertian. There were some girls that pretended to be sick and we had to do first aid on them. Then on our next group we did tug of war and my team won but it was only because we were going downhill and they were going up hill. Next we did a faith exercise I was bl...