
Showing posts from 2016

Pound It!

 Since my last post my life has been crazy. Okay so first I started to send friendly emails to my friend Miah  (she has cancer). It was fun and I think that she actually liked my emails but the she just didn't want to talk to me a t all so that is why i am writing this. O kay so next thing. First we went to my Maw-Maw Betty's house and stayed there for one day and went to one of my dad's friends funeral and that night on the 3 hour long car trip to our home. O n the way home though we went to 2 of my friends homes and gave them presents  the first one we had to go through his really rich people neighborhood and I actually came on such a surprising they th ought that I had c ame to visit them from Colorado . Okay t ha t 's all for now I have to go


Dear Weird World, Why do my parents don't get along I just don't get why they cry ,stomp off, why oh why oh why. My parents seemed to be happy one second and then mad or sad the next. I just hate you cruel world I get stuck with 4 brother parents who cuse beat and yell. And then when I turn around they are as happy as can be and I am ashamed to even have thought that they had hated each other. I just don't know what to do? I wish that I could just go off and go live with the old princesses. Really be best friends with them I just wish that could be a princesses best friend and maybe even become smitten with one of their handsome well behaved brothers and just have a wonderful life with no pain or misery. Then I would be the most remembered queen in history because I would care more about my people /peasants. I would give each child born a crown or at the very least give their family money to live on and everyone would get some not just the noble men and women but each peas
  Friends, Cancer, and Updates                                    This is a pic of Miah Smith before the cancer : Hi guys Sorry that I haven't written in a while. So here's the update! So I tried out for the Volleyball  team.It was really really hard we had to tryout for three days after school from 3:30 5:00. I tried REALLY hard but it didn't happen. I didn't make the team. Then I decided to do Student Council instead so I ran for Public Relations.  I did a 2 minute speech in front of the whole school. ( Which by the way is only about 150 kids and a handful of teachers. Oh and my Dad ) but it was FUN. Then in anticipation I waited till the next day to find out if I had won for the spot as Public Relations Representative. And guess who won.  Yours truly (ME) then I found out that almost everyone else had voted for me because my speech was the only one that had made since. And maybe because I'm just really AWESOME. Anyways my family has

Emoji Fun

Dear Readers,                                                          7-17-16                                                                  Emoji s are so fun that is why I had so much fun with making this one. It is supposed to be me . The real Emoji that is my favorite is the one that is so happy that it is crying. Here is the address so if you want to make one for you (oh and it only is for girls) Have fun making one of your own. Here is the Richardson update. Josiah, Bridger, and Mom stayed home from church. The reason was Josiah had Poison Ivy all over him and Bridger had a cold so Mom decided to stay home with them. Today was also really fun because Sister Shaw (who is our music teacher) told us that for Singing Time she brought cornbread and we had to make the butter to put on it. Also I got to bring some of the butter home. We ate some on our Pancakes for dinner. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. Well I'm going to go watch a


Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Today I got up at 7:30 and read almost all of my book. By the way for the past few weeks I've been reading the Percy Jackson series. I am now on book 3 The Titans Curse.  So far it has been good I love it because the  characters have so many emotions. I just LOVE IT. Anyways I would recommend the first  book The Lightning Thief to anyone who liked Harry Potter. This series has action like Harry Potter but it is set in the world of the Greek gods and their children which are called Half-Bloods. Ok enough about books. Well I am so excited about the 29th. Because in my new stake they will allow the 11 year olds to go to go on a hike. The girls that are going to Girl's Camp are going also.  It is 9:30 so I'm going to leave my post at that. I will try to post tomorrow. I hope that you enjoyed my post. Oh and don't forget to read again on The Adventures of Goldie Through Time. P.S. I hope that your summer has been great and will c

Another Trip

Today we are going to the town where we are going to move. It's name is Buena Vista , Virginia. This trip we are taking another load to the storage building. Then we are going to look at some houses that are realtor Karen is going to show us and then we are going to go swimming at the end of the day. This is our plan so I'll post again when we get back or tomorrow. Oh and thanks for reading.                                        Yours,                                               Goldie E.R.

The Past Two Days

Today all we our relator came. My parents singed some papers that said that we would give her a percentage of our profits. After that we just cleaned up our house. Then we went swimming for about two or three hours. Last we ate at Taco Bell and Subway. Oh and might I say it was delicious:-). The most important thing was that we all had fun today. Oh and happy day late of the forth of July. Oh I.almost forgot to tell you. Please read again next time on The Adventues of Goldie Through Time. Thanks for reading.                         Yours,                                    Goldie E.R.

Apples and Onions

Apples and Onions. That is what started off my first time at the Rockbridge Ward. When I went to class my teacher started the class off by asking us to tell everyone our one Apple (a good thing) and one Onion (a bad thing). (Oh and we also got a heap of Goldfish crackers to munch on while we listened to each other.) I personally loved going to that ward especially since there were only girls in my class. In Sharing Time we made care packages for the people in West Virginia who have had their homes flooded and have nothing to keep up their personal hygiene. This is the list of items that we put into the packages 12 baby wipes so that they can have something to take a bath with, 1 hand sanitizer, 1toothbrush and toothpaste, and 1 hand written note. That is what we made to give to the people who's houses were flooded. Oh and if Nella Allen is reading this I hope that you weren't disappointed  with my blog so far I hope that you read tomorrow and (leave some comments). I hope y

Family Time

(This is a pic of Me and my Mom at the top of that tower)I am so blessed and thankful for my amazing family. Even though sometimes it is very hard I love my family and appreciate all the hard work that they do to help me succeed in every way. This is my first time blogging so I'm going to add some pictures to this post.  This is my family (except for Dad the one taking the photo). We had just finished opening our Christmas presents.  This Ammon he is 5 and is #4 in the line of kids. He loves Darth Vader, playing with his brother Bridger, and watching movies with the family.  This is my family at the top of a tower at a park near our house. My Mom loves taking selfies with our whole family she has made it a tradition to take one when we are on our way out to Idaho and Utah. This is my Mom and my amazing brother Stuart. He loves to draw, swim, play board games, make desserts, and play around with cousins family and friends.(This picture is on a field


Hello, my name is Goldie Emma Richardson and today is Friday July, 1. Today I got up and my dad and mom were already painting our porch. Oh and by the way our family is moving away. So we're fixing our house up by doing things like painting, fixing ceilings, and staging our house. So that we can sell it. Okay so back to what happened today.  We watched T.V., did yard work, and just hanged out.

Girls Camp

Okay so yesterday I went to this camp that my church does for the young women of our stake. The awesome party was that we all played games and sang songs until the other girls showed up. (When we showed up the girls were doing D.E.A.R which stands for drop everything and read )  Here are some of the games we played first we played Follow the Leader  then after that we played Poison Frog. It was so much fun! After we played the games we sang a couple of songs. Then one of the leaders went up and spoke about the young women virtues and how to use them in every day life.  Then we went on a short hike to a place and learned stuff like we learned about first aid  and they told us the story about the good samertian. There were some girls that pretended to be sick and we had to do first aid on them. Then on our next group we did tug of war and my team won but it was only because we were going downhill and they were going up hill. Next we  did a faith exercise I was blindfolded and  my partne